La ricerca ha trovato 6 risultati

da: Kudemo
17 agosto 2012, 14:36
Forum: [Mario's Castle Team] Mario's Castle Tennis Academy
Argomento: Clan War : RS vs MCT [Conclusa - Persa]
Risposte: 13
Visite : 4250

Re: Clan War : RS vs MCT

We can play this sunday around 8pm, ok for you ? I'll add Zulu and Nin in the msn conversation.
da: Kudemo
8 agosto 2012, 14:45
Forum: [Mario's Castle Team] Mario's Castle Tennis Academy
Argomento: Clan War : RS vs MCT [Conclusa - Persa]
Risposte: 13
Visite : 4250

Re: Clan War : RS vs MCT

Ok so i'll ask my members to know when they can play. But do you prefer play anytime in the week or fixe a date where we play all vs all ?

And it would be better if you can register on skype.
da: Kudemo
5 agosto 2012, 18:12
Forum: [Mario's Castle Team] Mario's Castle Tennis Academy
Argomento: Clan War : RS vs MCT [Conclusa - Persa]
Risposte: 13
Visite : 4250

Re: Clan War : RS vs MCT

I'll be busy on the week coming and Nin is in vacation but he'll be back next week-end. So for now i can't propose a date but tell me your availability for the week of 13 august and we'll see on your side. And for the matches we can play like you want, it would be more funny if everyone plays with e...
da: Kudemo
3 agosto 2012, 19:34
Forum: [Mario's Castle Team] Mario's Castle Tennis Academy
Argomento: Clan War : RS vs MCT [Conclusa - Persa]
Risposte: 13
Visite : 4250

Re: Clan War : RS vs MCT

Any news of your players ?
da: Kudemo
24 luglio 2012, 0:00
Forum: [Mario's Castle Team] Mario's Castle Tennis Academy
Argomento: Clan War : RS vs MCT [Conclusa - Persa]
Risposte: 13
Visite : 4250

Re: Clan War : RS vs MCT

Yeah no problem ;)
da: Kudemo
23 luglio 2012, 23:05
Forum: [Mario's Castle Team] Mario's Castle Tennis Academy
Argomento: Clan War : RS vs MCT [Conclusa - Persa]
Risposte: 13
Visite : 4250

Clan War : RS vs MCT [Conclusa - Persa]

Hello there :o Are you still active ? Because i would like to make a clan war with you. We're a french clan on mto and the Mii is banned in our clan wars, so if it's ok for you, here are our rules : 3vs3 Best of 5 2 games by match Neutral stages (for the first match, each player remove 2 stages) Mar...

