Troppa trama invadente, scifo scifo, hanno voluto rendere ogni livello come il cartone animato.Ecstasy ha scritto:È Ducktales con una nuova grafica.
Come potete avere dubbi sulla qualità?
Scherzi a parte non riesco a concepire le lamentele sulla trama, però dicono che sia troppo frustante rispetto all'originale.
Riporto quanto detto da RMC su GoNintendo
Comincio a pensare che esistano versione diverse dello stesso gioco.You're going to hear that this game is too hard. You're also going to hear that it's too easy. I also expect that you'll hear complaints about cut-scenes. Keep in mind that while these are elements that might not make everyone happy, they can all be changed. Difficulty can be set to your liking. Cut-scenes can be easily skipped. If those options weren't there, then people would have a bigger reason to whine. WayForward included these options to make sure you could have the experience you want. Once you find the approach you enjoy, I know that you'll definitely get a big smile from DuckTales Remastered. Seeing this project come together with a fresh coat of paint and some new gameplay sensibilities really made me happy. It also made me wish that Disney would bring the cartoon back!