Fonte: MyNintendo News.Epic Games Isn’t looking to bring Unreal Engine 4 to Wii U, but it is possible that third-party developers could port Unreal Engine 4 games across to the console. Epic president Mark Reign says that it isn’t the firms intention to bring the next generation engine to Wii U, but he claims that Unreal Engine 4 is going to be supremely scalable.
Epic Games doesn’t intend “to bring Unreal Engine 4 to Wii U, but the engine could run on Nintendo’s upcoming console “if a customer decides they want to port an Unreal Engine 4 game” to the hardware.
“We have Unreal Engine 3 running on Wii U.
You saw games at the Nintendo press conference again this year – a fantastic demo by our friends at Warner Bros. showing Arkham City running on Wii U. And Aliens: Colonial Marines is coming on Wii U, that’s also Unreal. There’s, I’m sure, several others. Mass Effect was announced for it as well. So we’re certainly playing a role there with Unreal Engine 3.
“I’ll state that I don’t think it’s our intention to bring Unreal Engine 4 to Wii U, but Unreal Engine 4 is going to be supremely scalable.
“We’ll run on mobile phones and on a wide variety of things, so if a customer decides they want to port an Unreal Engine 4 game to Wii U, they could. But Unreal Engine 3 is a really good fit for that platform.”
In parole povere abbiamo una buona e una cattiva notizia, la buona è che il Wii U può reggere l'UE4 come faranno le concorrenti (si può sfruttare pure su smarthphone), potrà quindi reggere anche i vari motori (di cui ne parlavamo tempo fa), ma la cattiva è che alla Epic non interessa lavorarci per una versione Wii U, quindi se le Terze parti vorranno fare il porting Wii U ok.