Sito web:
Controversial Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter believes that Nintendo is currently in a world of trouble. Pachter cites the lack of third-party support for the company’s latest home console, coupled with the looming release of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, as a problem that Nintendo doesn’t seem able to fix. Pachter genuinely questions why anyone would choose to buy a Wii U at this point in time.
“The publishers are pretty excited to support the Xbox One and the PS4 – they really didn’t say anything about the Wii U. And we know EA has no games in development for Wii U. If Activision pulls support; if you see Ubisoft , you see Take-Two pull support, the Wii U is a Nintendo-only gaming device which is what they were back with the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1985. They’re not going to sell a lot of consoles if they don’t have games like FIFA and Battlefield and Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto. Due to that, Pachter asks a simple rhetorical question: “Why would anybody buy a Wii U?”
Dopo questa dichiarazione di Patcher è questione di ore prima che il Wii U salga esponienzialemnte riguardo ai dati di vendita.
Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-0138-0723-7516
Patcher, una persona serissima
Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-5819-9561-2202
the Wii U is a Nintendo-only gaming device which is what they were back with the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1985.
Nintendo-only gaming device
which is what they were back with the Nintendo Entertainment System
Il NES era cosa?
È ragionevole avere dubbi sul futuro del Wii U. Ma questo è il paragone più assurdo che abbia mai sentito.
Mi era proprio mancato...
Non ci ho capito nulla XD!
Certo, il NES non aveva il supporto delle terze parti, come no. Tant'è che SEGA denunciò Nintendo per attività antitrust, diamine, uno che fa il suo lavoro dovrebbe sapere che Nintendo aveva instaurato un monopolio negli anni '80.
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