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    Noi dobbiamo aspettare venerdì per mettere mano a Bravely Default, ma in Giappone è uscito da più di un anno ed è appena stato rivelato il sequel, Bravely Second. Il personaggio nello scan si chiama Magnolia, per adesso non sono noti altri dettagli.
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    Livello 28 - Donkey Kong
    Sono davvero contento per l'annuncio di questo sequel. sìsì
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    Livello 28 - Donkey Kong
    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-5804-5760-0221
    Per un attimo quello mi sembrava uno dei quattro personaggi giocabili, Edea. fermosi
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    Livello 28 - Donkey Kong
    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-5804-5760-0221
    Nuovo teaser dal Jump Festa.


    È una mia impressione, o da quei pochissimi millisecondi in cui si vedono dei modelli poligonali sembra quasi un action-rpg? oms
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    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-5819-9561-2202
    Santo cielo il teaser. LA MUSICA.
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    Livello 28 - Donkey Kong
    Aspetta, mi sono accorto solo ora di Final Fantasy X | X 2 hd su PS3, cavolo, questi hd remix sono una manna dal cielo per me che non ho mai avuto una PS2.
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    Livello 21 - Birdo
    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-8170-9101-6643
    Qualche informazione:
    Video da non guardare se non si è finito bravely default
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    The story’s stage is Luxendarc. It is set in the world several years after the Warriors of Light saved it from crisis.

    Magic University Town Istantarl

    This university town was built in the Nadarakes continent under the proposal of the Lakrika prime minister. Scholars and students around the world gather here every day, exchanging discussions about all sorts of intellectual topics. Because it prospers particularly in the study of magic, it is known by the nickname “Magic University Town.” Thanks to the help of professors, a new structure of magic has been developed, different from the traditional method.

    New Character: Devil King Buster Magnolia Arch

    A mysterious woman who calls herself the “Devil Buster who came from the moon.” Her age is unknown, she appears in unexpected places at unexpected times, and she has a daredevil attitude. According to the Devil King who suddenly appeared, she is the last survivor of the moon nation.

    She is a sociable eccentric. Delicate, but largehearted. Realistically, a romanticist. An elegant beauty with elusive characteristics, only one thing is certain, she has fierce fighting skills and rescued Tiz Oria.

    - Magnolia is the main protagonist
    - she plays a role similar to Agnes in Bravely Defaul
    - Magnolia will travel with Agnes at some point
    - Magnolia has been designed to look more adult than Agnes
    - other characters have slightly more realistic proportions
    - set in Luxendarc like Bravely Default
    - Ringabel’s role in Bravely Second is unknown at present
    - the plot involves a “Demon King” and the moon
    - Magnolia is a self-professed Demon King killer from the moon
    - her world will be one of the places in the game that you’ll get to explore
    - a hint regarding these two plot points is hidden in the secret movie found in Bravely Default: For the Sequel
    - the fields are larger than those of Bravely Default
    - the “density” of the game has increased as well
    - fan feedback from For the Sequel can still be implemented into Bravely Second
    - currently 30% complete
    SPOILER (da una intervista di famitsu) | Mostra
    Asano: There are lots of different levels to the concept, but one of them is the strong will that 'we must do better than the previous work.' We payed attention to the fact that you liked the world and characters of the previous work, and with a setting several years after the earlier game, we decided to make a continuation that increased the information about Luxendarc. There are many parts that the staff haven't settled on, so we will show these later on.

    Asano: "Second" means this is the second game, and it's the name we've given the system. I think this will also reach the subtitles.

    We used AR movies in the last game, but this time they've been made into gyro-movies.
    The world that Magnolia was in is one of the settings.
    Magnolia is the main heroine. She plays a similar role Agnes played in the previous title, and is an ally who joins your journey.
    New story elements include the Devil King and the moon, and in For the Sequel's secret movie, there is various information hidden.

    Yoshida: Magnolia's image swells from keywords like 'moon people' and 'child who has returned to her country' that came up during scenario meetings. There were ideas to make her rough, put her in space suit-like clothing and add rabbit ears, but in the end we decided to pull out a maturity that wasn't in the main characters of the original. However, no matter what we did her head and body were raised, and through trial and error all the characters' heads have been raised a little.

    Asano: Istantal is a city from the first game. But since there was nothing to do there, players didn't stop by.

    More so than the previous game, the field is wider and the amount of information and the depth are higher.

    Asano: As for a follow-up on the appearance of characters from the last game--the same Luxendarc from the last game is the setting, and so Agnes and Edea exist. Only Ringabel isn't known.

    The plan is to pass on the system of For the Sequel, but it's possible that we might include changes after seeing the response.

    Yoshida: From our experiences with the last game there are technical elevations, too. Even if we made the same thing in the same interval, we'd be able to show you something brushed up. All the varied and same illustrators and writers are drawing the characters and job designs for us, but there are ideas we've never been struck with that keep popping up, so we want you to look forward to that as well.

    Asano: Just like the previous game, for the sake of Japanese RPG fans, we're aiming for a new pillar of Square Enix, and as we develop we are consciously trying to surpass the previous game. But I think there will still be some time before we're able to let you play. We'll share new information bit by bit. As we want to enjoy the excitement as we develop, we want you to cheer us on.

    — Please tell us about the concept for this game.
    Asano: There are many concepts on many levels but, to name one of them, we were steadfast in having to surpass the previous game. We took where the last game was fun and then thought about how we should surpass people’s expectations for the next one. Evaluation began with both considering whether to change the characters and world from the previous game or continue that story. The final determination made was that the previous game’s characters and world were something well liked and, since we weren’t changing the hardware the game is on, the sequel would take place a few years after the previous game and expand on the story of Luxendarc.

    — As far as key team members go, Asano-san and Yoshida-san, since Silicon Studio is developing the game, what about other people involved with the last game?
    Asano: There are a lot of things that are still not decided so we’ll make an announcement at a later time. What I am announcing now is that we’ve asked Yoshida-san to continue art duties from the previous game.

    — So you consider the games in the Bravely Series to be special, Yoshida-san?
    Yoshida: The scale of development of modern games has gotten bigger and so the effect it has had is that the business is subdivided into all kinds of departments. You don’t really ever feel like you’re done. So, to people like myself who have experience developing old games, you get this yearning somewhere deep down to work on things in a smaller scale. To that end, continuing working together on games like the Final Fantasy 3 Remake or Final Fantasy: 4 Warriors of Light with Asano-kun is very fulfilling. With a development scale that isn’t that large and a group of people who all have the same understanding of the importance of doing things that way, it is very easy to get ideas across so I think it’s been great.

    — Please tell us about the beginnings of this game.
    Asano: “Second” can mean both sequential second and a second in time. There is also the battle system in “For the Sequel” to stop time during battle called the “Bravely Second.”

    — The last game’s subtitle, “Flying Fairy,” had a hidden meaning. What about this time around?
    Asano: With “For the Sequel” I said beforehand that there was no special hidden meaning but I can’t do the same this time because I think it will clash with fan expectations. By the way, when it comes to both the title and logo, we will be adding a subtitle so this isn’t the final version.

    — The content included in the secret movie in “For the Sequel” was quite surprising.
    Asano: In the last game we used AR Movies as one of the new features we included. We got a really good response from that and it was a success but there wouldn’t be anything special if we used AR again in this title so, as a new feature, we decided to try making a movie that uses the gyroscope feature. Both the AR movie from the last game and the gyro movie is something surprising that you can only experience with the 3DS in your hands. I think it gives the game a very “bravely feeling.”

    — The video showed a world we’d never seen before.
    Asano: That will be one of the locations in Bravely Second.

    — Magnoria also made an appearance. What kind of character is she?
    Asano: She is the main heroine and will play a role relating to Agnes from the last game. She accompanies you on your journey. We’ve also given her a specific speech pattern where she mixes English into her Japanese. (laughs)

    — The things about the demon lord and moon weren’t in the last game so…
    Asano: They’re new things added to the world of Luxendarc for “Bravely Second.” There are a lot of things hidden in the secret movie from “For the Sequel” so make sure to watch it closely.

    — Yoshida-san, when you were drawing Magnoria, what kinds of things did you pay careful attention to?
    Yoshida: Key words that appear in the main scenario conversations like “Lunarian” and “young woman returning home” gave me an vision of her. So I gave her a casual style with outer space clothes and rabbit ears. In the end, when compared to the characters of the last game, she came out seeming a bit more adult but as I was drawing her she became kind of stretched. After trying a lot of different things, the truth is I stretched all the characters just a little bit.

    — I can’t wait to see the other characters! The magical academy town of Istantaru was also shown in the initial reveal. Has it also been made into a new city after not being used for a number of years after the last game?
    Asano: Not exactly. Since it is a city that’s been around for a while and the characters didn’t have any reason to go to it in the last game, it’s more like a city that hasn’t been visited.

    — There’s a lot of interesting information there. What about upgrades to the game system?
    Asano: Since “For the Sequel” is a preview of the systems of “Bravely Second,” we are going to carry over elements of battle and character development from there. Still, we’ll look at the reaction to “For the Sequel” and there is a possibility we will change some things.
    SPOILER (Commenti di alcuni sviluppatori) | Mostra
    The following comments and info come from producer Tomoya Asano and character designer Akihiko Yoshida...

    “There were actually several concepts, but out of all of them, the idea of ‘surpassing the previous title’ left the biggest impression. We were aware that the previous title was to get fans to like the characters and world, so we decided to have a sequel that takes place several years later, and has more to do with Luxendarc.” - Asano

    - Magnolia was created during a scenario brainstorm meeting
    - keywords of “people of the moon” and “returnee” came to mind
    - Yoshida and the others originally thought about giving Magnolia some kind of space outfit along with bunny ear
    - they then decide to go with a character who showed “adultness”
    - Yoshida believes that we will see a game that is much more polished than before
    - illustrators are currently working on characters and job designs
    - many of them will be quite unexpected

    “As we did previously, and for the sake of Japanese RPG fans, we’re developing with the goal to create a new pillar of support for Square Enix, while surpassing the previous title. I believe that it may take a little while longer until you’ll get to play the game, but we’ll be revealing new information little by little, so I hope you continue supporting us while looking forward to what’s coming.” - Asano
    Traduzione di Mother 3:
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    Livello 13 - Categnaccio
    Capelli: Edea. Colore dei capelli: Ringabel. Questa protagonista è una manna dal cielo per gli shippatori come me. Poi, mi sembra una che sa il fatto suo. Mi fa molto piacere il fatto che ritornino dei personaggi di BD, visto che li adoro tutti.
    Danganronpa è bello giocatelo
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    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-2068-0538-9502
    Finito ieri Bravely Default, non posso che attendere impazientemente l'uscita di questo sequel da noi. asd
    Dato che c'è una città universitaria esigo il Job dello Studioso. ekm
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    Livello 28 - Donkey Kong
    Speriamo che abbiano capito le cagate che hanno fatto in BD e non le abbiano ripetute nel sequel, altrimenti, può anche rimanere lì dov'è per quanto mi riguarda.
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    Livello 27 - Peach
    Spero anche io che non abbiano ripetuto gli errori che hanno fatto nel primo capitolo e spero anche di riuscire a trovare una copia, questa volta.
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    Livello 23 - Wario
    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-0000-0000-0000
    Non vedo l'ora. Non ho giocato al primo ma... il finale era così triste.... sob.
    His size does not matter!
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    Livello 23 - Wario
    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-0000-0000-0000
    A quanto pare, Agnes tornerà in Bravely Second:
    His size does not matter!
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    Livello 28 - Donkey Kong
    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-5804-5760-0221
    Fico! La cosa più interessante è che alla fine sarà un Action RPG (quindi mio al 100%) e ci saranno le varie classi del primo (o almeno, nell'ultimo screenshot mi pare di vedere la Valchiria e il Mago Rosso).
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    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-2068-0538-9502
    Ma si sapeva già che Agnès sarebbe tornata. :MMM:
    Ricito il post di lorenzooone:
    - Magnolia will travel with Agnes at some point
    Xervils Hikend ha scritto:Fico! La cosa più interessante è che alla fine sarà un Action RPG (quindi mio al 100%) e ci saranno le varie classi del primo (o almeno, nell'ultimo screenshot mi pare di vedere la Valchiria e il Mago Rosso).
    C'è anche il performer. asd Non riconosco però la classe più a destra, forse è nuova.
    Un messaggio dallo staff
    Il forum è archiviato, adesso usiamo Discord per parlare quotidianamente.
    Se cerchi altro, trovi tutte le news sulla serie di Super Mario su, l'enciclopedia su e i nostri profili social qui. Grazie per aver postato nel forum nel corso degli anni, non ce ne dimenticheremo mai!
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