[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... uU8-hTDBdg[/youtube]
250 nuovi puzzle, quelli creati per i titoli 3DS funzioneranno anche qui e, per alcuni, viceversa. Sarà possibile scaricare nuovi puzzle rilasciati dallo staff e addirittura da altri utenti, via Miiverse.
Il prezzo sarà di 10€, ma per chi ha acquistato o acquisterà uno dei due Pullblox per 3DS costerà 7€. I Pullblox per 3DS, inoltre, saranno da domani scontati.The website says the game has 250 puzzles, and they're all brand new.
Like some noticed on the previous page, all user-created puzzles from the 3DS games will work in World, and some user created puzzles in World (likely ones that don't use the new features) will work in the 3DS games.
There's also a "Special Hikuosu/Pushmo" mode that will let you download new puzzles they release (created by the games staff), and a system to let you upload puzzles as well as view/download puzzles from people around the world.
To celebrate the upcoming launch of Pullblox World, Nintendo is holding special price promotions on Nintendo eShop. Pullblox and Fallblox for Nintendo 3DS and 2DS will be available at a discount for a limited time, while owners of either title can get a 30% discount on Pullblox World if they get it between 19th June (15:00 local time) and 31st July using the same Nintendo Network ID*
* Pullblox and Fallblox on Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS and 2DS will be available at the discounted price of £4.49 each from 29th May (15:00 local time) until 12th June (23:59 local time), after which they will revert to their regular prices of £5.39 and £7.19 respectively. Owners of Pullblox and/or Fallblox on Nintendo 3DS and 2DS who download Pullblox World on Nintendo eShop on Wii U using the same Nintendo Network ID can purchase Pullblox World at a special price of £6.29 from 19th June (15:00 local time) until 31st July (23:59 local time). After this date, the game will be available to purchase from Nintendo eShop at the regular price of £8.99.
When you're dead, they really fix you up. I hope to hell when I do die somebody has sense enough to just dump me in the river or something. Anything except sticking me in a goddam cemetery. People coming and putting a bunch of flowers on your stomach on Sunday, and all that crap. Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody.