Alex Neuse ha anche rivelato che sarebbe lieto di lavorare ad un titolo della serie Metroid, spin-off o seguito che sia. Di seguito, lo spezzone di intervista originario:
*Gajin Games: software house indie molto famosa, che si è fatta conoscere per lo stile che sa donare a tutti i suoi lavori; la loro serie più importante è quella di Bit. Trip, originariamente nata per WiiWare ma poi espansa su PC (e anche su PS3 e 360, se vogliamo considerare Runner2). Se non la conoscete, filate a conoscerla (esistono anche due collection, una per Wii e una per 3DS, con tutti e sei i titoli della serie, vendute ad un prezzo decisamente vantaggioso!)NMag: If Nintendo called you and gave you free rein, for what series would you like to develop a spin-off/sequel or what forgotten brand would you like to revive?
Alex Neuse: As tempting as it is to say that I'd like to make a Metroid game, I think I'd have to say that I'd be completely honored and excited to make something within the bitGenerations or ArtStyle brands. That'd be my top choice.
NMag: Runner2 has been confirmed for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. For us as a Nintendo magazine the most important question is: Will there be a Wii U or perhaps even a 3DS version?
Alex Neuse: I hate to sadden you about the Nintendo 3DS, but as far as the Wii U goes, I'd like to let you know that we have a Wii U devkit, and while I can't confirm anything at this time, I am winking at you while I write this and shooting you two thumbs up. We are trying our hardest to get a Wii U version together. But no promises. At least not yet.
Ultima modifica di Mud il 1 giugno 2012, 16:46, modificato 1 volta in totale.
When you're dead, they really fix you up. I hope to hell when I do die somebody has sense enough to just dump me in the river or something. Anything except sticking me in a goddam cemetery. People coming and putting a bunch of flowers on your stomach on Sunday, and all that crap. Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody.