... m=facebookThe following comes from a Kotaku interview with Shigeru Miyamoto and Shinya Takahashi...
Stephen Totilo, Kotaku: I can't ask you what's going on with Pikmin, because you've answered that for the last couple of years in a row. I can't ask you what's going on with Star Fox, because you answered that this year. So... what is going on with Metroid?
Shigeru Miyamoto, Nintendo: The original creators of Metroid and the director who was the director of the Metroid Prime games who worked under me when I was producing those both now work for Mr. Takahashi, so you'll have to ask him.P
Shinya Takahashi, Nintendo: So it has been a while since we released the last one and we're having discussions internally about what we can do next. So at this point we have two different types of Metroid games. We have the Prime style of Metroid game and we have the more traditional style of Metroid game. We feel that we do need to take care of both of these styles of play. And the hope is that at some point in the near future we'll be able to share something about them. P
Bill Trinen, Nintendo — who had been translating for our interview: Mr. Miyamoto was prompting him to say, 'Which of these two styles do you like best?'P
Totilo: It's been so long that I miss both of them. They're both great, but it's been a long time. The [2D] Metroid people don't really much anymore. The only one like that recently was a Batman game made for the 3DS and the Vita that was created by some guys who used to be at Retro. So I miss that style of game. As for Metroid Prime, nobody at all makes anything like that. So in other words, if you don't do it, no one will.P
Miyamoto: This falls into your question before of remaking the same franchises.P
Totilo: I'll get back to that in a second, but which of the two styles do you guys like better? The 2D or Metroid Prime?P
Takahashi: I like them both. They both have a different style of appeal.P
Miyamoto: I have the New Super Mario Bros. series [for 2D], so I like Prime. I think there's still a lot of new things that could be done with the Prime series.P
Tetto ti ho ninjato prima io.. :(
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L'ho visto il post, l'ho linkato in chat e Storm ha ritenuto più opportunuo farne un topic.Recar ha scritto:Tetto ti ho ninjato prima io.. :(
Ottime notizie. Spero che vadano con lo stile Prime su Wii U e quello 2D per il 3DS.
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Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-6869-9562-7967
Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-6869-9562-7967
Ottimo, ora sappiamo che Metroid e Star Fox non sono morti. ORA MANCA F-ZERO
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Inviato dal mio GT-I5800 con Tapatalk 2
Ultima modifica di Gianshulka il 13 giugno 2014, 11:25, modificato 2 volte in totale.
Mi chiedo se continueranno la timeline tenendo in considerazione i Prime oppure Other M.
Directly in our hearts...
Zackee ha scritto:Reazione un po' troppo esagerata imho, era ovvio che la serie di Metroid non fosse stata abbandonata.
Ma infatti nessuno se ne è mai uscito con affermazioni che facessero credere che la serie fosse stata accantonata Oh certo son contento anche io della conferma ma la serie non è mica stata riesumata. Other M è stato poco convincente sotto alcuni aspetti e si son presi una pausa, tutto quiSuper Mario Fan ha scritto:ODDIO, QUINDI METROID NON E' MORTO?YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !
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Iwata durante lo streaming dell'E3 2015
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