Zombi U era in origine per PS3 e 360 e Pikmin 3 l'avevano iniziato su Wii e solo quando era quasi finito l'hanno portato su Wii U, saranno un sacco di volte che lo continuo a ripetere.Gianmark ha scritto:ZombiU è in sviluppo da 3 anni ed ha grafica (scrausa) old gen, con tanto di aliasing a volontà, Pikmin 3 sembra da inizio settima gen e le multipiatta o sono identiche alle altre versioni per console o sono modificate leggerissimamente. E non mi venite a dire "Ma è solo l'inizio" o cose simili, si sono sempre visti giochi con graficona all'annuncio di nuove console, per fare esempi recenti, la 360 fù presentata con Gears of War mentre l'annuncio della PS3 fù accompagnata da alcune tech demo sorprendenti per l'epoca.
Per ora si può solo sperare che anche Microsoft e Sony facciano questa fine, ma è abbastanza improbabile.
Questo era un titolo di lancio per la 360:
Ora siamo arrivati a questo:
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THQ: “WiiU is just alot more powerful than current HD consoles it does 1080p very easy.”
Epic: “It will do things current HD consoles simply cant do its going to be a powerful box.”
Crytek: “WiiU devkits are very powerful,the specs are very good”
Vigil Games: “We had the game at the same level as high pc version in a matter of days and a few lines of code got the game up and running on tablet in 5 mins.”
EA: Wii U is not a transitional platform, it is a true next generationtem.
Finally, another issue is that the visibility of the future software lineup is unclear. During E3, titles for the overseas markets were highlighted and the titles we introduced then were only the ones to be available at the launch time and within the launch window period, which might make you wonder, “What will become of the software in the next year?” It is our intention to convey a strong message this fall with the information about the price and the launch date and then to create momentum good enough to convince our consumers to buy (the Wii U), but currently, there must be some concerns. Overall, we believe that the current share price has been determined based on what I mentioned today. In the near term, with the introduction of the Nintendo 3DS XL followed by new software titles in July and August, the most important issue is to what degree we can change the business momentum of the Nintendo 3DS in the world. Then, subsequently, when we launch the Wii U, we intend to announce the next step by saying what will happen in the future, and by doing this, we would like to change the evaluation in the market. - Satoru Iwata
-GIAN considerando che le casualate se le levano di torno subito, FAGIANO STO ASPETTANDO -GIAN