Need for Speed Most Wanted

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    Livello 30 - Mario
    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-0000-0000-0000
    Oltre che con un adrenalinico trailer, il nuovo Need for Speed Most Wanted mostra le sue qualità nel video di gameplay protagonista della conferenza Electronic Arts. Il gioco sfoggia la sua ben strutturata architettura open world ed il sistema di Speed Points che influenza la lista dei Most Wanted Players. Il titolo, che si affida alla seconda generazione della tecnologia Need for Speed Autolog per massimizzare la competizione con gli altri giocatori, arriverà per PC, Xbox 360 e Ps3 il prossimo 30 ottobre.

    Il trailer sarà aggiunto quando sarà disponibile sul web.
    When you're dead, they really fix you up. I hope to hell when I do die somebody has sense enough to just dump me in the river or something. Anything except sticking me in a goddam cemetery. People coming and putting a bunch of flowers on your stomach on Sunday, and all that crap. Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody.
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    Livello 12 - Bob-Omba

    Confermata anche una versione per Vita.
    Need For Speed: Most Wanted will launch on November 2 in the UK, EA has announced.

    A PlayStation Vita version is also in development, alongside the previously announced PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions.

    Need For Speed: Most Wanted is the latest game from Burnout creators Criterion Games.
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    Livello 29 - Luigi
    The Wii U has more memory, so we’re able to use the PC textures and assets. The road is more detailed, the lighting is improved, the draw distance has been tweaked.” - Alex Ward, EA

    Ebbene, la versione Wii U di Need for Speed Most Wanted è la versione PC modificata.
    Hardware inferiore alla 360, eh? Old gen, eh?
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    Livello 22 - Waluigi
    Non appartiene in questo topic, Gian

    Comunque, nice. Essendo un port in ritardo di 6 mesi hanno avuto la possibilità di sfruttare la RAM (1 GB vs 256/512 di PS360) e metterci le texture più dettagliate della versione PC.

    Anche le altre sono versioni PC modificate comunque o,o L'unica cosa che cambia e che la versione Wii U ha lightning e texture quality su medium anzichè low, in pratica.
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    Livello 29 - Luigi
    -Based on PC VERSION of game
    - took a break after 360 etc. version was done- came back with a small Wii U team- more RAM in the Wii U -> PC textures and assets – lighting and draw distances better
    -Criterion read Iwata Asks of shared experiences and philosophy of Wii U
    -Miiverse support with Autolog
    -Wii U demo up Eshop
    -God Mode Wii U GamePad (drifting, getting stuck, make it easier in police chases/change from day to night at tap game pad)
    -Off TV Play
    -Mii support in game (mii appearing on billboards)
    (Wii mote/nunchuck/wheel support/pro controller already confirmed months ago)
    -Started after break in September 2012 from other versions, due to finish in few weeks with minor fixes
    -Due end of March

    EA ha fatto un ottimo porting per Wii U, che sfrutta ogni caratteristica della piattaforma ospite (Miiverse, Godmode con il touchscreen, Mii, offplay) ed è in arrivo una demo prima che esca, a Marzo ...Mi sà che la storia di Malachia è vera.
    EDIT:... ahi, hai ragione, sbagliato il topic, credo non ce ne sia uno per Most Wanted, ora lo creo e sposto tutto.
    EDIT2: rettifico, topic trovato, sposto.
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    Livello 22 - Waluigi
    Non metto in dubbio che sia un ottimo port, ma dire che "è basato sulla versione PC" vuol dire poco, perchè lo sono praticamente tutte le multiplat al giorno d'oggi. Grazie alla RAM più alta possono metterci le texture ed effetti di luce più dettagliati, ma non un salto da 720p30f a 1080p60f o qualcosa del genere.

    Il resto è roba standard come ce la possiamo aspettare in ogni versione Wii U (Mii al posto dei avatar, Off-TV play, Miiverse, qualche feature extra come quel God Mode piuttosto inutile).

    Comunque, Criterion ha anche fatto un ottimo lavoro con la versione Vita di MW, quindi non mi sorprende che si siano dedicati anche un po' a quella per Wii U.
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    Livello 15 - Banzai Bill
    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-0000-0000-0000
    Località:Cagliari, Sardegna
    Sito web:
    Sinceramente, siccome la 360 voglio abbandonarla e la PS3 al momento mi attira meno del Wii U, penso che prenderò la versione Wii U in futuro o,o
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    Livello 22 - Waluigi
    Zyalalys ha scritto:Sinceramente, siccome la 360 voglio abbandonarla e la PS3 al momento mi attira meno del Wii U, penso che prenderò la versione Wii U in futuro o,o
    È un ottimo gioco, vedi di recuperarlo su qualsiasi console.
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    Livello 29 - Luigi
    Io sono consapevole che Wii U non è un mostro di potenza, ma detesto chi spala sterco, diffondendo la disinformazione, dicendo che offre meno possibilità delle console old gen. Per me è una generazione 7.5, se dobbiamo parlare in termini hardwaristici.
    E questo porting, che si avvicina molto più alla versione PC, rispetto alla versione PS360, lo dimostra.

    Io vedrò di provare la demo, non ho mai provato un gioco di questo filone, non sò se potrebbe piacermi. Inoltre, nello stesso periodo c'è LEGO City.
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    Livello 22 - Waluigi
    Interview molto interessante con Criterion riguardante anche la hardware del Wii U: ... the-scenes
    Whatever you may be expecting from the Wii U version of Need for Speed: Most Wanted, we're willing to bet that Criterion is going to surprise you. The company hasn't shipped a game on Nintendo hardware since the enhanced conversion of Burnout 2: Point of Impact over a decade ago, and the studio has a point to prove.

    On a technical level, one of the best cross-platform development teams in the business wants to demonstrate that the controversial Nintendo hardware can match and even exceed the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 image quality while still hitting performance targets. However, more importantly, the developer has also set out to understand the core ethos behind the console, reshaping Most Wanted to better suit the areas in which the Wii U truly excels.


    The result is unarguably the one of the most impressive, technologically challenging cross-platform conversions the Wii U has in its roster. Owing to the 1GB of RAM available to developers - compared to the 512MB on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 - the Wii U version features the enhanced textures currently found only on the PC version. It sounds like an ambitious addition, but it proved to be no issue for the team.

    "There's a switch in our build pipeline that says 'use PC textures' and we flipped that and that was all," Hamadi laughs. "I can take no credit for that, it was literally ten minutes' work... we are using PS3/360 geometry. It's just the textures we upgraded."

    "Tools and software were the biggest challenges by a long way... the fallout of that has always been the biggest challenge here," Idries reaffirms. "[Wii U] is a good piece of hardware, it punches above its weight. For the power consumption it delivers in terms of raw wattage it's pretty incredible. Getting to that though, actually being able to use the tools from Nintendo to leverage that, was easily the hardest part."

    But hang on a second. This does somewhat dispute the established narrative suggested by more than one developer of a console using out-dated CPU technology derived from the Wii, which in turn was an overclocked, tweaked version of the GameCube. Ten minutes into our chat and Idries hasn't once mentioned the infamous lack of Wii U CPU horsepower. Wasn't this an issue for developing Most Wanted on the new Nintendo console? He pauses for a short moment while framing his answer.

    "When they first looked at the specs on paper a lot of developers said, 'Well, you know this is a bit lightweight' and they walked away. I think a lot of people have been premature about it in a lot of ways because while it is a lower clock-speed, it punches above its weight in a lot of other areas," he explains.

    "So, I think you've got one group of people who walked away, you've got some other people who just dived in and tried and thought, 'Ah... it's not kind of there,' but not many people have done what we've done, which is to sit down and look at where it's weaker and why, but also see where it's stronger and leverage that. It's a different kind of chip and it's not fair to look at its clock-speed and other consoles' clock-speed and compare them as numbers that are relevant. It's not a relevant comparison to make when you have processors that are so divergent. It's apples and oranges."

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    Livello 29 - Luigi
    Ok, quella porzione di intervista rispecchia pienamente la mia idea sull'hardware del Wii U.
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    Livello 30 - Mario
    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-0000-0000-0000
    questo lo prendo se lo trovo a basso prezzo. Ero tentato di prenderlo su Vita quando avrei acquistato la console, ma preferisco giocarmelo su Wii U se ne ho la possibilità.
    When you're dead, they really fix you up. I hope to hell when I do die somebody has sense enough to just dump me in the river or something. Anything except sticking me in a goddam cemetery. People coming and putting a bunch of flowers on your stomach on Sunday, and all that crap. Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody.
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    Livello 29 - Luigi

    E video overview della versione Wii U:

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    Livello 30 - Mario
    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-0000-0000-0000
    fantastico, davvero fantastico.
    When you're dead, they really fix you up. I hope to hell when I do die somebody has sense enough to just dump me in the river or something. Anything except sticking me in a goddam cemetery. People coming and putting a bunch of flowers on your stomach on Sunday, and all that crap. Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody.
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    Livello 29 - Luigi
    Mudkip98 ha scritto:fantastico, davvero fantastico.
    Iwata a inizio Febbraio ha detto che i dev hanno finalmente scoperto il potenziale next-gen di Wii U. Se d'ora in poi tutti lavoreranno come Criterion, io posso ritenermi soddisfatto dall'hardware.

    PS360 Vs Wii U

    Sembra che sia proprio un porting della versione PC (purtroppo però, la versione Wii U sembra avere meno draw distance), ma bisognerà aspettare il lancio per confermare o smentire le voci.

    Ah, Criterion ha confermato che il prossimo NFS arriverà anche su Wii U (perlomeno...)
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