Ho scaricato dal sito E3 il promemoria per Outlook, DURERA' UN'ORA.
New leaked document found in drop box of a NOE employee:
E3 Announcements (Wii U)
Gameplay-Trailer & Demos + Release Dates
Bayonetta 1 (Full HD Port, E-Shop, Platinum Games / Sega, 2013), Bayonetta 2 (Platinum Games / Nintendo, 2014) [possible a Bayonetta 1 & 2 Collectors Edition, retail version], Big Firmware Update (Nintendo, 2013), GAME & WARIO (Nintendo, 2013), Mario Kart U (Nintendo, 2013), Mario & Sonic Winter Sports 2013 (Sega/Nintendo, 2013), New Super Luigi U (DLC, Nintendo, 2013), Pikmin 3 (Nintendo, 2013), Project Cars (Slightlymad Studios, 2014), Professor Layton (Nintendo, 2013), Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem (Nintendo, 2013), Super Monkey Ball (Sega, 2014), Super Mario Universe (Nintendo, 2014), Scribblenauts Unmasked (2014, 5th Cell), The Wonderful 101 (Platinum Games / Nintendo, 2013), Wii Fit U (Nintendo, 2013), Wii Sports U (Nintendo, 2014), X (Monolith / Nintendo, 2013), Yoshis Yarn (Nintendo, 2014), Yakuza HD (Japan, Sega / Nintendo, [possible a low budget retail version] 2013), Zelda Wind Waker Remake & Pre Order Bonus (Nintendo, 2013)
Artworks, Teaser, Trailer, Hints
3DS Games playable on Wii U (via Cloud Gaming), Deadpool, Donkey Kong (N64 Sequel), Final Fantasy Remake, GTA 5, Harvest Moon, Monster Hunter 4, New IP (Made by Conker Creator Christopher Seavor), New Yakuza Game, Secret Pokemon Game, Smash Bros U, Sonic Lost World, Star Fox U, Tales of Symphonia, Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Online, Virtua Tennis, Zelda U
E-Shop Announcements:
Earthbound (Nintendo, VC 2013), Fast Racing League 2 (Shin'en, 2013), Mysterious City of Gold (Neko Entertainment, 2013), 2 Final Fantasy Games (Square Enix, VC), Super Mario Sunshine (VC 2013), Wave Race Blue Storm (VC 2013)
Ubisoft (Press Conference)
Assassins Creed IV Black Flag, A New Rabbids Game, Just Dance 5, New IP (Ubisoft Reflections), Rayman Legends, Splinter Cell Blacklist, Watch Dogs