Praticamente, SEGA ha acquistato Index e ha fondato SEGA Dream Corp., che se ho capito bene sarà il nuovo nome di Atlus.Notice is hereby given that SEGA DREAM CORPORATION, which was newly established as a wholly owned subsidiary by SEGA CORPORATION (“SEGA”), a subsidiary of SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS INC. (the “Company”), has concluded a business transfer agreement with Index Corporation (“Index”) for the purpose of revitalization of the business. Under the agreement, SEGA will take over the operations conducted by Index, the bankrupt company that applied to the Tokyo District Court for the commencement of civil rehabilitation proceedings effective from June 27, 2013
Oltre a produrre sequel delle franchise di Atlus, SEGA vorrebbe anche usarle per giochi online, smartphone e slot machine. welpThe Company believes that transfer of Index’s operations to SEGA will create synergies, on the grounds that the deal will enable the Company to:
(1) gain access to prominent IPs in the home video game software, through which the Company can expect to achieve steady flows of revenue;
(2) expect further facilitation of revenue growth for the PC Online Game Business and Content Business for Smart Devices operated by SEGA and SEGA Networks Co., Ltd. by exploiting acquired prominent IPs
(3) maximize the value of acquired IPs by effectively deploying them in the Pachislot and Pachinko Machines segment, Amusement Machine Sales and Amusement Center Operations segments.
Boh, non so cosa pensarne, sinceramente. SEGA non è tanto brava a portare i loro JRPG fuori dal giappone, ma per quanto riguarda Persona penso che non si debba avere paura visto che è una franchise abbastanza conosciuta anche in EU/US. Per le altre franchise, potrebbe esserci qualche problema.
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