[Super Hacking World] Topic di aiuto generale

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    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-3752-4641-3809
    SuperMarioThree ha scritto:... = ma dai?
    ... non vuol dire "ma dai", anzi, non vuol dire proprio niente. Esprimiti correttamente se vuoi dire qualcosa, sennò non ti capirà nessuno e il tuo post si ammucchierà soltanto alla matassa di flood. Ora basta sul serio però titto
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    Livello 21 - Birdo
    Oki doki
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/gustatore
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    Livello 21 - Birdo
    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-8170-9101-6643
    ma è normale che in alcuni livelli di smw, dopo aver hackato venga una gabbia sullo sfondo??? fermosi
    Traduzione di Mother 3:
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    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-3752-4641-3809
    lorenzooone ha scritto:ma è normale che in alcuni livelli di smw, dopo aver hackato venga una gabbia sullo sfondo??? fermosi
    Devi avere impostato erroneamente il layer 3. Clicca qui Immagine e in Layer 3 Options scegli "No Layer 3", dovrebbe funzionare.
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    Livello 21 - Birdo
    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-8170-9101-6643
    Red&Green ha scritto:
    lorenzooone ha scritto:ma è normale che in alcuni livelli di smw, dopo aver hackato venga una gabbia sullo sfondo??? fermosi
    Devi avere impostato erroneamente il layer 3. Clicca qui Immagine e in Layer 3 Options scegli "No Layer 3", dovrebbe funzionare.
    Grazie, ora è sparita mki
    Traduzione di Mother 3:
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  • Livello 15 - Banzai Bill
    Località:Da un regno governato da pesche e abitato da funghi umanoidi
    Visto che sono ai livelli di principiante vorrei un aiuto da voi.
    Come si cambiano gli sprite di un nemico?
    Ad esempio,da Goomba ad uno sprite creato da me/custom.
    Clicca qui per iniziare una bellissima avventura.
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    It all started when our over-heralded star, Sal, woke up in a magical cornfield. It was the third time it had happened. Feeling scarcely stunned, Sal hit a banana, thinking it would make him feel better (but as usual, it did not). Duly ecstatic about the looming crises, he realized that his beloved ass was missing! Immediately he called his so-called buddy, Red&Green. Sal had known Red&Green for (plus or minus) 11,000 years, the majority of which were striking ones. Red&Green was unique. He was intelligent though sometimes a little... insensitive. Sal called him anyway, for the situation was urgent.

    Red&Green picked up to a very ecstatic Sal. Red&Green calmly assured him that most spotted wolf hamsters shudder before mating, yet 3-legged wallabies usually earnestly belch *after* mating. He had no idea what that meant; he was only concerned with distracting Sal. Why was Red&Green trying to distract Sal? Because he had snuck out from Sal's with the ass only six days prior. It was a enchanting little ass... how could he resist?

    It didn't take long before Sal got back to the subject at hand: his ass. Red&Green turned red. Relunctantly, Red&Green invited him over, assuring him they'd find the ass. Sal grabbed his elephant and disembarked immediately. After hanging up the phone, Red&Green realized that he was in trouble. He had to find a place to hide the ass and he had to do it recklessly. He figured that if Sal took the 'modded' Civic, he had take at least four minutes before Sal would get there. But if he took the Mudkip98's car? Then Red&Green would be very screwed.

    Before he could come up with any reasonable ideas, Red&Green was interrupted by six dimwitted Zackees that were lured by his ass. Red&Green cringed; 'Not again', he thought. Feeling exasperated, he aimlessly reached for his gerbil and skillfully groped every last one of them. Apparently this was an adequate deterrent--the discouraged critters began to scurry back toward the swamp, squealing with discontent. He exhaled with relief. That's when he heard the Mudkip98's car rolling up. It was Sal.

    Just yonder, Sal was struggling to make his way through the swamp behind Red&Green's place. Sal had severely hurt his ear during the window incident, and was starting to lose strength. Another pack of feral Zackees suddenly appeared, having caught wind of the ass. One by one they latched on to Sal. Already weakened from his injury, Sal yielded to the furry onslaught and collapsed. The last thing he saw before losing consciousness was a buzzing horde of Zackees running off with his ass.

    But then God came down with His clever smile and restored Sal's ass. Feeling exasperated, God smote the Zackees for their injustice. Then He got in His 'modded' Civic and blasted away with the fortitude of 200,000 Indonesian devil cats running from a big pack of legless puppies. Sal vomited with joy when he saw this. His ass was safe. It was a good thing, too, because in nine minutes his favorite TV show, Pippe mentali, was going to come on (followed immediately by 'When South American hissing sloths meet malaria'). Sal was elated. And so, everyone except Red&Green and a few bloody glove-toting venomous koalas lived blissfully happy, forever after.
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    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-5819-9561-2202
    Gamer T ha scritto:Visto che sono ai livelli di principiante vorrei un aiuto da voi.
    Come si cambiano gli sprite di un nemico?
    Ad esempio,da Goomba ad uno sprite creato da me/custom.
    Nella toolbar, clicca sull'icona dell'editor 8x8: Immagine
    Qui puoi modificare la grafica di tutti i tile, inclusi i nemici (scorri le pagine con "Page Dn."):

    Quando finisci di modificare premi F9 per salvare. Attenzione però, le modifiche hanno effetto su tutto il gioco, non solo sul livello in cui ti trovi. Per modificare la grafica dei singoli livelli (e importare la grafica fatta da altri) è necessario riccorere all'ExGFX: qui trovi un tutorial di Red&Green. Al posto del semplice editor 8x8 di Lunar Magic comunque di solito si usa YY-CHR per graficare, è più comodo e aggiunge diverse funzioni.
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  • Livello 15 - Banzai Bill
    Località:Da un regno governato da pesche e abitato da funghi umanoidi
    Ho estratto tutti i GFX per poi modificarli con YY-CHR,però le palette non sono quelle originali,qual'é il problema?
    Clicca qui per iniziare una bellissima avventura.
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    It all started when our over-heralded star, Sal, woke up in a magical cornfield. It was the third time it had happened. Feeling scarcely stunned, Sal hit a banana, thinking it would make him feel better (but as usual, it did not). Duly ecstatic about the looming crises, he realized that his beloved ass was missing! Immediately he called his so-called buddy, Red&Green. Sal had known Red&Green for (plus or minus) 11,000 years, the majority of which were striking ones. Red&Green was unique. He was intelligent though sometimes a little... insensitive. Sal called him anyway, for the situation was urgent.

    Red&Green picked up to a very ecstatic Sal. Red&Green calmly assured him that most spotted wolf hamsters shudder before mating, yet 3-legged wallabies usually earnestly belch *after* mating. He had no idea what that meant; he was only concerned with distracting Sal. Why was Red&Green trying to distract Sal? Because he had snuck out from Sal's with the ass only six days prior. It was a enchanting little ass... how could he resist?

    It didn't take long before Sal got back to the subject at hand: his ass. Red&Green turned red. Relunctantly, Red&Green invited him over, assuring him they'd find the ass. Sal grabbed his elephant and disembarked immediately. After hanging up the phone, Red&Green realized that he was in trouble. He had to find a place to hide the ass and he had to do it recklessly. He figured that if Sal took the 'modded' Civic, he had take at least four minutes before Sal would get there. But if he took the Mudkip98's car? Then Red&Green would be very screwed.

    Before he could come up with any reasonable ideas, Red&Green was interrupted by six dimwitted Zackees that were lured by his ass. Red&Green cringed; 'Not again', he thought. Feeling exasperated, he aimlessly reached for his gerbil and skillfully groped every last one of them. Apparently this was an adequate deterrent--the discouraged critters began to scurry back toward the swamp, squealing with discontent. He exhaled with relief. That's when he heard the Mudkip98's car rolling up. It was Sal.

    Just yonder, Sal was struggling to make his way through the swamp behind Red&Green's place. Sal had severely hurt his ear during the window incident, and was starting to lose strength. Another pack of feral Zackees suddenly appeared, having caught wind of the ass. One by one they latched on to Sal. Already weakened from his injury, Sal yielded to the furry onslaught and collapsed. The last thing he saw before losing consciousness was a buzzing horde of Zackees running off with his ass.

    But then God came down with His clever smile and restored Sal's ass. Feeling exasperated, God smote the Zackees for their injustice. Then He got in His 'modded' Civic and blasted away with the fortitude of 200,000 Indonesian devil cats running from a big pack of legless puppies. Sal vomited with joy when he saw this. His ass was safe. It was a good thing, too, because in nine minutes his favorite TV show, Pippe mentali, was going to come on (followed immediately by 'When South American hissing sloths meet malaria'). Sal was elated. And so, everyone except Red&Green and a few bloody glove-toting venomous koalas lived blissfully happy, forever after.
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    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-3752-4641-3809
    Gamer T ha scritto:Ho estratto tutti i GFX per poi modificarli con YY-CHR,però le palette non sono quelle originali,qual'é il problema?
    Per impostare la palette giusta è un pochino più complicato, ma niente di difficile.
    1. Apri la ROM in ZSNES e vai nel livello in cui vuoi modificare la grafica.
    2. Fai un savestate (mi pare che il comando di default sia F2, non sono sicuro): dovrebbe apparire nella stessa cartella della ROM, è un file .zst
    3. Torna su YY-CHR e clicca su questo pulsantino Immagine in alto a destra: carica il file .zst che hai creato poco prima con il salvataggio rapido di ZSNES. Così dovresti caricare i colori giusti, ma...
    4. I colori di un gioco per SNES sono divisi in varie "palette", ovvero dei "set" da 16 colori: ogni nemico può usare una di queste palette, quindi nel caso in cui la grafica che vuoi modificare dovesse ancora avere dei colori diversi (per esempio, vedi un goomba verde invece che marrone) clicca su questi due pulsantini Immagine per cambiare il tipo di palette visualizzato finchè non vedi i colori giusti.
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    Livello 21 - Birdo
    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-6869-9562-7967
    Ho ricominciato a lavorare alla mia hack e ho corretto gli errori che mi ha indicato Red&Green. Ma ho 2 dubbi che vi esporrò:

    1) Lascio così o ci metto dei blocchi di pietra grigi? Consigliatemi voi cosa mettere.


    2) Il colore del background ci sta bene con il resto? Avete un colore da consigliarmi?


    Grazie per tutto!
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  • Livello 15 - Banzai Bill
    Località:Da un regno governato da pesche e abitato da funghi umanoidi
    SuperPunkMario ha scritto:Ho ricominciato a lavorare alla mia hack e ho corretto gli errori che mi ha indicato Red&Green. Ma ho 2 dubbi che vi esporrò:

    1) Lascio così o ci metto dei blocchi di pietra grigi? Consigliatemi voi cosa mettere.


    2) Il colore del background ci sta bene con il resto? Avete un colore da consigliarmi?


    Grazie per tutto!
    1)Ti consiglio di lasciarlo senza blocchi di pietra grigi.
    2)Qua ti consiglio di avvicinare un pò il colore del background al blu.
    Clicca qui per iniziare una bellissima avventura.
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    It all started when our over-heralded star, Sal, woke up in a magical cornfield. It was the third time it had happened. Feeling scarcely stunned, Sal hit a banana, thinking it would make him feel better (but as usual, it did not). Duly ecstatic about the looming crises, he realized that his beloved ass was missing! Immediately he called his so-called buddy, Red&Green. Sal had known Red&Green for (plus or minus) 11,000 years, the majority of which were striking ones. Red&Green was unique. He was intelligent though sometimes a little... insensitive. Sal called him anyway, for the situation was urgent.

    Red&Green picked up to a very ecstatic Sal. Red&Green calmly assured him that most spotted wolf hamsters shudder before mating, yet 3-legged wallabies usually earnestly belch *after* mating. He had no idea what that meant; he was only concerned with distracting Sal. Why was Red&Green trying to distract Sal? Because he had snuck out from Sal's with the ass only six days prior. It was a enchanting little ass... how could he resist?

    It didn't take long before Sal got back to the subject at hand: his ass. Red&Green turned red. Relunctantly, Red&Green invited him over, assuring him they'd find the ass. Sal grabbed his elephant and disembarked immediately. After hanging up the phone, Red&Green realized that he was in trouble. He had to find a place to hide the ass and he had to do it recklessly. He figured that if Sal took the 'modded' Civic, he had take at least four minutes before Sal would get there. But if he took the Mudkip98's car? Then Red&Green would be very screwed.

    Before he could come up with any reasonable ideas, Red&Green was interrupted by six dimwitted Zackees that were lured by his ass. Red&Green cringed; 'Not again', he thought. Feeling exasperated, he aimlessly reached for his gerbil and skillfully groped every last one of them. Apparently this was an adequate deterrent--the discouraged critters began to scurry back toward the swamp, squealing with discontent. He exhaled with relief. That's when he heard the Mudkip98's car rolling up. It was Sal.

    Just yonder, Sal was struggling to make his way through the swamp behind Red&Green's place. Sal had severely hurt his ear during the window incident, and was starting to lose strength. Another pack of feral Zackees suddenly appeared, having caught wind of the ass. One by one they latched on to Sal. Already weakened from his injury, Sal yielded to the furry onslaught and collapsed. The last thing he saw before losing consciousness was a buzzing horde of Zackees running off with his ass.

    But then God came down with His clever smile and restored Sal's ass. Feeling exasperated, God smote the Zackees for their injustice. Then He got in His 'modded' Civic and blasted away with the fortitude of 200,000 Indonesian devil cats running from a big pack of legless puppies. Sal vomited with joy when he saw this. His ass was safe. It was a good thing, too, because in nine minutes his favorite TV show, Pippe mentali, was going to come on (followed immediately by 'When South American hissing sloths meet malaria'). Sal was elated. And so, everyone except Red&Green and a few bloody glove-toting venomous koalas lived blissfully happy, forever after.
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    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-3752-4641-3809
    SuperPunkMario ha scritto:Ho ricominciato a lavorare alla mia hack e ho corretto gli errori che mi ha indicato Red&Green. Ma ho 2 dubbi che vi esporrò:
    1) Lascio così o ci metto dei blocchi di pietra grigi? Consigliatemi voi cosa mettere.
    Sì, o qualsiasi altro tipo di tile che riempia tutto lo spazio senza lasciare parti vuote. Oppure puoi fare una cosa ancora migliore, ovvero creare un tile (nel 16x16 Tile Map Editor) che contenga sia il bordo della montagna che il quadrettino d'acqua (per farlo prendi la parte del bordo e la parte dell'acqua, e le incolli su un tile nuovo in una pagina vuota che potrai utilizzare per tutti i tile personalizzati). Con Lunar Magic 2.12 è molto semplice fare una cosa del genere, dovrebbe venire una cosa del genere:
    SuperPunkMario ha scritto:2) Il colore del background ci sta bene con il resto? Avete un colore da consigliarmi?
    Blu + marrone/verde è bruttino, prova una tonalità di blu scuro.
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    Livello 21 - Birdo
    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-6869-9562-7967
    Grazie red, ho imparato una nuova funzione di lunar magic asd . Comunque va bene questo background?
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    Livello 2 - Koopa
    Sito web:http://www.smwcentral.net/?p=profile&id=17183
    Ho dato un'occhiata qua e là nella sezione Tools e dei tutorial, e apparentemente ci sono molti strumenti che non sono stati postati ancora, come l'hex editor, AddmusicK, Asar, ZMZ e quant'altro. Non mi dispiacerebbe aggiungere più roba nelle suddette sezioni, eventualmente anche qualche tutorial se ho tempo, ma mi domandavo se gli utenti normali possono postare liberamente.
    Per qualsiasi tipo di problema riguardante l'hacking di Super Mario World, non esitare a contattarmi~
    Noi di SMW Centra abbiamo creato un canale italiano di hacking, clicca l'userbar qua sotto per connetterti!
    ヽ( 。 ヮ゚)ノ へ(゜∇ 。)へ ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
    nom~ nom~ nom~ nom~

    Il miglior SPC mai creato nella vita
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    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-5819-9561-2202
    Wakana ha scritto:Ho dato un'occhiata qua e là nella sezione Tools e dei tutorial, e apparentemente ci sono molti strumenti che non sono stati postati ancora, come l'hex editor, AddmusicK, Asar, ZMZ e quant'altro. Non mi dispiacerebbe aggiungere più roba nelle suddette sezioni, eventualmente anche qualche tutorial se ho tempo, ma mi domandavo se gli utenti normali possono postare liberamente.
    Sì, le sezioni sono aperte a tutti, sarebbe utile.

    Sono un po' di anni che proviamo a diffondere l'hacking di SMW in Italia, purtroppo la gente si stanca facilmente perché lo trova troppo difficile. Spero che i nuovi tool e le ultime hack suscitino un po' di interesse sìsì
    Un messaggio dallo staff
    Il forum è archiviato, adesso usiamo Discord per parlare quotidianamente.
    Se cerchi altro, trovi tutte le news sulla serie di Super Mario su Mariocastle.it, l'enciclopedia su Mariowiki.it e i nostri profili social qui. Grazie per aver postato nel forum nel corso degli anni, non ce ne dimenticheremo mai!
    Un messaggio dal cuore

