Ecco un articolo di Kotaku a riguardo:
As we continue to hear from more and more brand new Xbox One owners who say their disc drives don't work, Microsoft's solution remains the same: contact customer service.
I first wrote about the issue yesterday morning, and over the past two days, I've received roughly 150 e-mails from people who say their systems were affected. Some sent videos; others just echoed what we've been seeing since the console launched on Friday. Some complained that they'd had to spend hours on the phone waiting for someone from Microsoft customer service to answer.
For context, last week after the PS4 launch, Stephen asked anyone affected by hardware failure to reach out to him, and he received a few dozen e-mails in two days.
Let's put this in context: Microsoft says they've sold a million Xbox Ones. Even if just 1% of consumers had issues, that'd be 10,000 faulty units—and we don't even know if the count is that high. Plus, launch consoles tend to come in hot. Massive hardware launches always have their problems. Just ask any brand new PS4 owner faced with the Blue Light of Death. (This isn't a new phenomenon, either—I remember lining up for the Wii at midnight back in 2006, only to get home at around 4am with a console that wouldn't function properly. I had to swap it the next day.)
We've reached out to Microsoft multiple times over the past two days with questions about this Disc Drive of Doom, but they've only repeated a single statement: "The issue is affecting a very small number of Xbox One customers. We're working directly with those affected to get a replacement console to them as soon as possible through our advance exchange program. Rest assured, we are taking care of our customers."
When pressed further by Kotaku today, a Microsoft spokesperson added this: "Customers have the option for us to send a replacement console right away without waiting until they have returned their old one. This means a customer only has to wait a matter of days, rather than weeks to get back up and running."
We have no idea how many people have been affected by this issue, but we'll continue following up on this story over the next few days and weeks. ... 1470495704
Ghebu ha scritto:Ma ci sono già così tanti video di console rotte in circolazione?
Spero almeno in una sostituzione immediata
Eh, con 1 milione di console vendute, ci credo che ci siano casi di difetto. è normale.
Comunque, la Sony ha affermato che sono piacevolmente sorpresi dal fatto che solo pochissime PS4 abbiano problemi (mi pare che il numero sia <0.5%, di solito al launch di prodotti nuovi si parla di 3-5%). Nel caso che uno abbia beccato una console DOA (dead on arrival), sia Sony che Microsoft gliela sostituiscono immediatamente.