Lunar Magic - Windows/Mac OS X

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    Lunar Magic - Il tool indispensabile per hackare Super Mario World.
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    Questa/o risorsa/tool è fornita da SMW Central, sito in inglese dedicato all'hacking di Super Mario World, tappa fissa per gli hacker di tutto il mondo. L'unico scopo di questo topic è segnalarla/o in italiano.
    This resource/tool is provided by SMW Central, an English website dedicated to Super Mario World hacking, point of reference for hackers from all around the world. Our only purpose is reporting these resources in Italian.
    Ultima modifica di Stormkyleis il 26 dicembre 2011, 21:04, modificato 1 volta in totale.
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    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-5819-9561-2202
    FuSoYa ha rilasciato la versione 1.91!

    Elenco di novità:
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    -fixed a bug from 1.70 in smkdan's VRAM patch where dynamic changes
    (such as coin collection) on layer 2 were not always displayed if
    layer 1 and 2 scrolling were not in sync, and another bug where a
    column of garbage tiles could appear under rare circumstances.
    Thanks goes out to smkdan for submitting the fixes for his patch,
    and Zeldara109 for reporting the coin issue.
    -added a new "Prefer Saving in 2MB+ ROM area" option to the options
    menu, which is on by default. This will cause Lunar Magic to
    first try saving data and code past the 2MB mark in the ROM before
    using earlier space, but only if the ROM is already larger than
    2MB. This will help save space below bank 40 for less versatile
    3rd party ASM patches/tools to use, as many of them unfortunately
    do not take bank 40+ into account and will malfunction without
    warning when installed there.
    -added a new "Check Object Placement on Save to ROM" option to the
    options menu, which will warn if an object is placing tiles beyond
    the viewable level area into unsafe SNES RAM locations which could
    cause various issues during gameplay.
    -added a new "Export Title Moves Playback Data" menu command to the
    overworld editor, to allow exporting existing title screen playback
    data from a ROM back into a Zsnes savestate, so it can be
    transferred to a different ROM.
    -added a new "Edit Manual" command to the edit menu, which allows
    manually modifying existing objects/sprites. You can also
    Alt-Right click on an object or sprite to use this.
    -added the ability to remap 16x16 gameplay "act as" settings in the
    new Map16 editor using the remap button.
    -added a warning message to be displayed when attempting to use
    Lunar Magic on a ROM that has already been edited by a newer
    version of the program.
    -saved the new Map16 editor's zoom setting to the registry.
    -enabled the new Map16 editor to use the "translucent text and
    outlines" option from the main editor, but set the translucency
    level a bit lower than what's used in the main editor.
    -enabled using Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+Y keyboard shortcuts in the new Map16
    editor for undo/redo.
    -tweaked some code so that the new double clicks introduced in LM
    1.90 also count as regular clicks.
    -added text search to the Add Sprite/Object windows, which you can
    activate just by typing.
    -added support for non-256 color bitmaps when using custom toolbar
    images, and support for using images larger than 16x16 for the
    toolbar buttons.
    -added sprites A0, A1 and A9 (Bowser Scene, Bowser's Bowling Ball,
    Reznor) to sprite list.
    -added a few alternate sprite GFX file suggestions to tileset
    specific sprites in Add Sprites window.
    -adjusted sprite 33 (Vertical Fireball) in LM to include some bits
    of fire dropping off it, at Zeldara109's suggestion.
    -horizontally flipped sprite 2C (Yoshi Egg) in LM so it will appear
    the same way in the editor as it will in the game. Thanks goes
    out to Wiimeiser for discovering this.
    -adjusted palette used for sprite 45 (Directional Coin) in LM so it
    will appear the same way in the editor as it will in the game.
    Thanks goes out to andy_k_250 for reporting this.
    Finalmente ha aggiunto la ricerca nelle finestre degli oggetti e degli sprite, sia per numero che per nome :yyesh:
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    Livello 21 - Birdo
    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-6869-9562-7967
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    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-5819-9561-2202
    Arriva Lunar Magic 2!


    - Aggiunto un emulatore all'interno dell'editor stesso. Si può modificare il livello in tempo reale mentre si gioca e vederne immediatamente gli effetti. È necessario aggiungere questo nella cartella di Lunar Magic. Sviluppato da Alcaro.


    A poco a poco traduco il resto del changelog, nel frattempo potete vedere il file originale qui:
    -added the ability to load the LMSW DLL from Alcaro, which allows
    using an emulator to play levels within LM itself (downloaded
    -added an optional user defined second toolbar to the main window,
    which can be used to launch external applications or activate
    internal Lunar Magic functions. It also allows for assigning
    keyboard shortcuts which can replace Lunar Magic's existing
    keyboard shortcuts. Check the technical info section of the help
    file for more details.
    -fixed a bug from 1.00 where LM didn't preserve the Z order of
    sprites when possible and only cared about following the sorting
    rules imposed by the game. Thanks goes out to King Dedede for
    noticing this.
    -fixed a bug from 1.00 where changing a level from having objects
    on layer 2 to an image would cause LM to draw all objects that
    were on layer 2 on layer 1 instead until the level was reloaded.
    -fixed a small bug from 1.91 where if you opened the Add
    Objects/Sprites windows then closed and reopened them again, the
    last used currently selected item could not be pasted (and would
    not be displayed in the preview area for sprites) until the
    selection was changed. Thanks goes out to Dakress for reporting
    -fixed a bug from 1.90 in the new Map16 editor's Remap button
    dialog and the new Remap DM16 dialog where if you just entered a
    space for the list, LM would freeze. Thanks goes out to DiscoMan
    for reporting this.
    -fixed a bug from 1.70, where a check for JW's old animated tile
    editor had a very rare chance of being triggered by LM's own
    ExAnimation ASM, causing junk to be displayed in LM for the game's
    original animations. Support for this tool has been disabled, as
    it hijacks the same addresses as LM anyway.
    -fixed a minor issue from 1.70 where if you forgot to enter the
    number of colors for a new palette animation when editing
    ExAnimation frames and left it blank, LM would use a value of 1 but
    would interpret the entered frame values as RAM offsets instead of
    SNES RGB values. Thanks goes out to supernova38 for discovering
    -further tweaked some code so that the new double clicks introduced
    in LM 1.90 also count as regular clicks for the middle mouse
    button. Thanks goes out to Alcaro for reminding me of this.
    -renamed the "Save level to ROM" menu item to "Save Level to ROM
    as...", then added a new "Save level to ROM" menu item that works
    the same way as the save button on the toolbar and assigned it the
    Control+S shortcut. "Save Level to File" has been moved to
    Control+W instead of Control+S.
    -reduced the maximum number of screens LM displays in levels that
    use layer 3 tides to reflect what's safe to use.
    -adjusted tiles used for sprite 99 (Volcano Lotus) in LM so it
    will appear the same way in the editor as it will in the game.
    Thanks goes out to MSA/Gamma_V for discovering this.
    -adjusted the position of the light switch block, message block,
    and Banzai Bill sprites slightly in LM to match the game. Thanks
    goes out to Alcaro for noticing this.
    -changed the palette used in the white blocks in the bonus game in
    LM to match the game. Thanks goes out to Alcaro for reporting this.
    -adjusted the positions of sprites 65-68 (line guided chain saw,
    upside down chain saw, grinder, fuzz ball) in LM to more closely
    match the game. Also greatly corrected their "set to go right"
    positions and updated their descriptions.
    -changed the appearance of sprite 30 (dry bones that throws bones)
    to actually show it with a bone ready to throw, to better
    distinguish it from sprite 32.
    -horizontally flipped the koopa shells in LM so they'll appear the
    same way in the editor as they do in the game.
    -corrected the tooltip for sprite 3C (wall following Urchin) as the
    directions were reversed. Thanks goes out to King Dedede for
    pointing this out.
    -tweaked several other tooltips and sprites here and there.
    -added some menu items to the view menu for custom ExAnimation
    triggers, to allow previewing them in LM.
    -added displaying the size of a level in bytes within the status
    bar when a level is saved.
    -added displaying the size of GFX/ExGFX in bytes within the status
    bar when GFX/ExGFX are inserted.
    -added the ability to customize button images for the new Map16
    editor (using a bitmap file named "Lunar Magic.ff5"), and the
    palette editors ("Lunar Magic.ff3" for the level palette editor
    and "Lunar Magic.ff6" for the overworld palette editor).
    -adjusted M16-7k a bit, as it's been difficult to get into since
    1.70 and became mostly unusable in 1.90. Thanks goes out to
    MaZ18 for reporting this.
    -did a few minor tweaks to the object/sprite window searching at
    Zeldara109 and Alcaro's suggestions.
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    Livello 22 - Waluigi
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    Staff Tecnico
    Codice amico Nintendo Switch:SW-3817-6599-1287
    Aggiornato Lunar Magic alla versione 2.20!


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    • made the previously unofficial support for the SA-1 ROM map official, and added 6 & 8 MB expansion menu items for SA-1 ROMs (see the help file on emulator compatibility with large SA-1 ROMs).
    • added support for Vitor Vilela's RAM remap for SA-1 ROMs.
    • made it possible to drag/copy/delete/alt-right click level entrances as part of sprite editing mode. Dragging an entrance automatically updates its FG/BG init position (except for the BG init position in vertical levels), copying an entrance creates a new secondary entrance in a free slot, deleting a secondary entrance clears the slot, and alt-right click lets you modify the entrance properties and change which slot a secondary entrance should use.
    • changed the "Add/Modify/Delete Screen Exits" dialog so that changes to the current entry aren't lost when you switch which screen you want to edit, and renamed it to "Modify Screen Exits".
      added a "Clear All Screens" button to the "Modify Screen Exits" dialog and renamed the "Delete" button to "Clear Screen".
    • the "Modify Screen Exits" dialog now displays information about exits that have been set for each screen.
    • changed the definition of a "free" secondary exit slot to be more than just an exit that points to level 0 or 100. If you have secondary entrance slots that you manually cleared in the past by only changing the level destination, you will need to use the "Clear Slot" button or delete them so they'll show up as unused again.
    • level entrances are now displayed using the player graphics from the game.
    • replaced the mostly redundant "Screen Boundaries" item in the view menu with a new "Game View Screen" option. This creates a draggable SNES-sized screen that you can use when designing levels to figure out what will be visible on the screen. It also optionally has highlighted areas for locations Mario will be during scrolling in different directions, to aid in determining where the screen will be during gameplay.
    • made it possible to have Lunar Magic load external files in place of GFX32.bin and GFX33.bin for display purposes in the editor. Just place files called ExternalGFX32.bin and ExternalGFX33.bin in the Graphics folder for your ROM.
    • added a new ASM hack where you can set the midway level entrance to coordinates separate from the main level entrance.
    • added a new ASM hack where a screen exit can go to a level's midway entrance if it's using the new separate coordinates option.
    • fixed an issue in Nintendo's original code, where if the midway entrance was set to screen 0 the game would not record obtaining the midway point for that level.
      adjusted the control+delete keyboard shortcut to also delete all secondary entrances in the current level.
    • added the ability to set the Koopa Kid teleport locations in the overworld editor, and a menu item to view them (check the help file for more info on the Koopa Kid sprites). Thanks goes out to Wiimeiser for providing the test patch to examine these.
    • added the ability to view sprite data to the overworld's view menu, as it helps in showing which slot and subslot a sprite on the overworld belongs to.
    • set LM to pause the internal emulator if viewing animations is turned off. Thanks goes out to MarioFanGamer659 for reporting on this.
    • added tile/page jump in place of text search for the Direct Map16 list in the Add Objects window. Thanks goes out to telinc1 for bringing this up.
      made conditional Direct Map16 objects appear translucent in the editor if the "Other Invisible Objects" view menu option is on and "Conditional Direct Map16 On" option is off. Translucency will not
    • be applied to objects using the +100 option.
    • adjusted tiles used for sprite 4D (Monty Mole) in LM so it will appear the same way in the editor as it will in the game. Thanks goes out to Wiimeiser for pointing this out.
    • changed the name of the "Cloud Ledge" for ghost houses to remove the "Ledge" bit as you can't stand on it. Thanks goes out to Wiimeiser for pointing this out.
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    Livello 21 - Birdo
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    Il forum è archiviato, adesso usiamo Discord per parlare quotidianamente.
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